Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Meeting Preparation

Today was a busy day at the office.  I was working on a preliminary budget, preparing for my meeting with Dr. Johnson tomorrow, as well as preparing for the next JEA Executive Board Meeting and JEA Legislative Council Meeting.  I am also trying to fill committee openings.  Please submit an application e-mailed to you today if you are interested in joining a District committee.

Math Common Core Assessments Review

The following is from Associate Superintendent Judy Park at USOE asking for your input on the Common Core State Standards Math Assessments.  Go to the link and look at the light blue box on the right side of the page.  You must complete the input survey by Monday, September 19.

Dear Colleagues,

The SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) has released the Consortium’s draft content specifications for math for review. The contents of this document describe the extent of the consortium’s current development to specify critically important claims about student learning that are derived from the Common Core State Standards.  When finalized, these claims will serve as the basis for the Consortium’s system of summative and interim assessments and its formative assessment support for teachers. 

Open and transparent decision-making is one of the Consortium’s central principles.  This draft of the math content specifications is being made available for comment consistent with that principle, and all responses to this work will be considered as it continues to be refined.   Like the ELA/literacy content specifications released earlier this month, organizations and interested stakeholders will have two opportunities to comment on the math document. Feedback on the first draft of the math content specifications will be accepted through September 19 (11:59 p.m. Pacific time). A revised draft will be released in October.

In addition to an official state response that is being prepared, we strongly encourage you to provide your individual/group survey response through the link below.   Your input is essential to ensure that Utah’s voice is considered in the final product. 

Once finalized, the content specifications for math and ELA/literacy will serve as the basis for the SMARTER Balanced system of summative and interim assessments and its formative assessment support for teachers.

The math content specifications materials are available at: Instructions on how to provide feedback through online surveys for both individual reviewers and groups, and a link to the math content specifications webinar, are posted at the same location soon.

SMARTER Balanced is committed to keeping our partners and stakeholders informed about the Consortium’s work, and to providing opportunities for input.
Thank you for your support as we continue to collaborate on the development of our assessment system.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

English, Language Arts, Literacy Common Core Assessments Review

The following is from Judy Park, Assistant Superintendent at the Utah State Office of Education.  If you teach English, Language Arts, or Literacy, please provide input on the assessments by following the directions on the link included by Monday, August 29.

"The SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) has released the English language arts/literacy (ELA/literacy) content specifications. The contents of this document describe the extent of the consortium’s current development to specify critically important claims about student learning that are derived from the Common Core State Standards. When finalized, these claims will serve as the basis for the Consortium’s system of summative and interim assessments and its formative assessment support for teachers.

"Open and transparent decision-making is one of the Consortium’s central principles. This draft of the English language arts/Literacy content specifications is being made available for comment consistent with that principle, and all responses to this work will be considered as it continues to be refined. In addition to an official state response that is being prepared, we strongly encourage you to provide your individual/group survey response through the link below. Your input is essential to ensure that Utah’s voice is considered in the final product.

"SMARTER Balanced will provide two rounds of review for the ELA/literacy and math content specifications (the math specifications will be released later this month). The first ELA/literacy draft is now available for review through August 29th (11:59 p.m. Pacific time). Instructions on how to provide feedback through online surveys for both individual reviewers and groups are included with the materials posted at:
SMARTER Balanced Consortium.  In addition to the draft ELA/literacy content specifications, the link above includes press materials and a recorded webinar on evidence-based design."

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In Memoriam

Craig Peterson, career-long JEA member, colleague, and friend passed away on Saturday.  See Craig's Obituary.

General Membership Meeting

About 60 members attended the JEA Negotiations General Membership Meeting yesterday.  The PowerPoint shown has been sent to AR's along with ratification ballots being sent today.  Talk to your AR about voting on the tentative agreement.  If you have questions on any part of the agreement, call Cindy or me at the JEA office at 801-262-2449 ext. 2 or Negotiations Chairperson, Melissa Brown at  Ballots are due in the JEA office by Thursday, September 8 at 5:00.

New Teacher Induction

The last two mornings were New Teacher Induction for traditional scheduled schools.  Total, we have 25 new members!  Two other unions/associations were there:  AFT (American Federation of Teachers), and AAE (American Association of Educators).  The people with AAE were a bit pushy, so you may have new teachers with questions. 

AAE promotes $15 dues and $2 million in liability protection.  New teachers may ask why they should join JEA if the dues are $50 with $2 million in liability protection.  There is obviously more.  JEA has a teacher representative in every building, a half-time president, and two local UniServ directors to assist with questions or problems.  AAE does not have local support.  JEA has immediate access to the UEA attorney.  With AAE, you hire your own attorney, then AAE will reimburse the expenses later.  JEA has representation on every District committee along with relationships with District Administration and School Board members.

If you come across a question you cannot answer, call the JEA office at 801-262-2449 ext. 2, and we will help you delineate the additional benefits of membership in JEA.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

JEA Negotiations General Membership Meeting

JEA and the Jordan District have reached a tentative agreement for the 2011-2012 school year. A JEA General Membership Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 23 at 5:00 p.m. at Bingham Creek Library (9000 S. 4800 W.). You will be given information about the negotiations process and the settlement. The initial presenatation should last about 30 minutes with time for questions if you choose to stay longer.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

UEA Excellence in Teaching Award

The UEA is pleased to again sponsor the “Excellence in Teaching” awards for 10 outstanding teachers. This year, each winning teacher receives $1,000 and will be honored at a banquet on Thursday, Oct. 20, in conjunction with the UEA Convention. I encourage each of you to nominate at least one teacher for this award. You may submit as many nominations as you like.  Both nominees and those completing nominations must be UEA members.  It would be great for a Jordan teacher to be one of the winners!

AR Training 2011

Last evening we had a great AR Training that was well attended.  We started by watching the NEA "Standing Strong" video while eating dinner and catching up with one another.  I was so pleased to see a lot of new AR's.  It is great to have more members becoming involved in the association.  Karen Brown, Bluffdale, won the On Time Drawing!

Jane Martain from the District came to talk about the new JPAS Interim Evaluation.  From the JPAS website, you will log in to complete the JPAS Interim Evaluation forms of reflection, planning, goal setting, and professional development. You may want to use your most recent JPAS Feedback Report to help you in reflecting and planning. Look through your own files to see if you can find it. If not and you are at the same school, the principal should have one in your local school file. If you have moved schools, you can contact JoAnne Yingling at for a copy.  The forms are interactive, so you simply type in the boxes and save to your computer.  These will be due to your principal or supervisor by October 1.  Your principal should give you the log in information.

Throughout the year, your principal will likely do short visits to your class.  At the end of the year, you will review the forms with your principal or supervisor.  You will only complete the JPAS Interim Evaluation on years you do not have a JPAS Observation and Interview Evaluation.  If you have questions on the JPAS Interim Evaluation or your principal is requiring more than is described here, please contact JEA.

Laura and Cindy led a brainstorming session about moving dues payment from payroll deduction to EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) from a checking account.  There were more benefits than road blocks brought up.  Some of those benefits are being proactive, pre-emptive strike against Senator Howard Stephenson, and the District won't know how many members we have.  Watch for more information on this transition to come later this year.

Melissa Brown, JEA Negotiations Team Chairperson, along with members Janeen McMillan and Kara Goodwin gave a negotiations update.  She addressed the entire process, the communication problems between the District Negotiations Team and the School Board, our proposals to the District and the District's proposals to us, and the bottom line.  There will be no steps, lanes, or COLAS this year.  There had to be some changes to policy based on changes in the law, and JEA is fighting to maintain your rights to due process through the Reduction in Staff, Reduction in Force, and Orderly Termination policies.  She also talked about how important it is for us to keep talking to the District, even if the process is slow and time consuming.  Ogden Education Association and the Ogden School Board quit talking to one another, and that gave the Ogden School Board the opportunity to not negotiate this year.  We didn't want an Ogden situation in Jordan, so we have to work at building a relationship with the School Board. 

The District is presenting our changes to the RIS/RIF and Orderly Termination policies to the School Board at the study session on August 23.  We should hear back from them shortly after that.  A JEA General Membership Meeting will be held as soon as we have a tentative agreement.

Thanks to all of the AR's who attended the meeting last night.  Congratulations to Dorrelyn Young, Terra Linda, who won the Stay To The End Drawing!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Joint Committee Meeting

The negotiated Joint Committee had its first meeting of the 2011-2012 year.  Serving on the committee for JEA are Melissa Brown, Negotiations Chairperson; Cindy Carroll, Jordan UniServ Director; and me.  On the District side, Dr. Patsi Johnson, Superintendent; Dr. June LeMaster, Human Resources Director; and Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Administrator of Schools.

Dr. Johnson started by saying that she had met with the Utah School Boards Association and Utah School Superintendents Association.  Both groups are looking at supporting nine proposed bills in the next legislative session.  Eight of the nine are about restoring financing, with one of those providing five professional development days.  When the legislative session begins in January, watch for information on these and other bills to support.

Laura Finlison, Curriculum Director, reviewed the professional development tentatively planned throughout the year for the Common Core.  Watch for information on the classes applying to you.  Some classes will be offered after school at no charge, but unpaid.  A couple of Saturdays are scheduled where you would be paid inservice rate to attend a 6 hour training with an hour for lunch.

Bevan Wasden, Administrator of Schools, scheduled the first meeting of the Elementary Preparation Time Task Force.  Watch for an e-mail for volunteers to serve.

Dave Stoddard, Administrator of Schools, came in to talk about high school parent teacher conferences.  We have the data from the survey last spring to analyze.  We are also going to look at models from around the nation.  The goal is not to eliminate PTC, but to restructure it so more parents attend.

Finally, we talked about Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) training.  Dr. Johnson was trained in IBB in Nevada.  We are going to bring more information about the length and cost of the training to our next meeting.  The training would be sometime during the year with a new form of negotiations starting in 2012.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Jordan UniServ Training Retreat

Yesterday the Jordan UniServ (JEA and Canyons Education Association, CEA) met for training.  Ross, CEA President, and I were pleased with the attendance with only one person excused due to taking classes for an administration certificate.  After showing the NEA Standing Strong Video, we did an ice breaker then went into the "Learning to Listen" training.  We did an assessment to see how well we do in each of the Three Dimensions of Listening:  Staying Focused, Capturing the Message, and Helping the Speaker.  I learned a lot about myself and some of the behaviors I need to change to become a better listener.  In being a better listener, I hope to be a better president.

Cindy and Laura then led a discussion on establishing a plan for helping members change their payment of dues from payroll deduction to EFT (electronic funds transfer).  You will hear more about this as UEA and JEA work out the logistics of this change.

In the afternoon, the JEA Executive Board met.  We discussed how each Executive Board Member can best serve their liaison schools, which have been changed to be roughly by feeder system for closer proximity to facilitate more personal contacts.  We also discussed items we want built into the JEA budget this year.

The training retreat was quite successful!

Meeting with Superintendent Johnson

Wednesday, Cindy and I met with Dr. Johnson for our monthly meeting.  We discussed items for our upcoming Joint Committee Meeting.  One of those items is an Elementary Prep/Collaboration Time Task Force to study options of how to include time during the elementary contract day for preparation and collaboration.  The Task Force will study what other districts do, as well as brainstorm ideas.  These ideas will then be presented to the Joint Committee in April.

Dr. Johnson talked about the SMARTER Balanced Consortium assessments that are being developed.  These assessments are going to be for the Common Core of State Standards.  She also said that there could be a change in evaluation systems to go to using a valid and reliable assessment (from SMARTER Balanced Consortium) of student growth as part of teacher evaluation for performance pay.  This will take several years, and Dr. Johnson has said she wishes to be collaborative with JEA, so teachers have a voice in what changes to the evaluation would be.

We also discussed JEA, District Administration, and the School Board being trained in Interest Based Bargaining (IBB).  This is a different model of negotiating than has been used in Jordan School District.  Dr. Johnson said she has been trained and used IBB as a member of the District Negotiations Team in Clark County.  School Board President Rick Bojak told me that the School Board is interested in going to IBB also.  This is a paradigm shift.  Last year during mediation, the mediator suggested IBB training.  JEA was interested, but the District was not.  We see the District's willingness to be trained in IBB as a positive step toward a smoother negotiations process in the future.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Matt Damon at Save Our Schools Rally in New York

If you liked Matt Damon before, you'll love him now!  Check out his speech from the New York Save Our Schools Rally.

This clip has a couple of expletives, but Matt defends teachers with his mother, a teacher, beside him.

School Board Study Session

Superintendent Johnson has held focus groups with various employee groups over the past several weeks.  She had them brainstorm in four areas:  Jordan District’s current situation, the District’s ideal situation, barriers to the ideal situation, and solutions to those barriers.   Then each group ranked their top three priorities within the list of solutions.  At the School Board Study Session last night, she summarized the priorities.  Public relations, communication, and professional development seem to be the top three overall.
Support staff priorities: 
  1. public relations
  2. money to students and employees
  3. one-on-one conversations
Teacher priorities:
  1. educate legislators and parents and public relations
  2. higher expectations (JPAS too easy)
  3. communication
Middle school principals:
  1. improve communication
  2. public trust
  3. high expectations
  1. improve public relations
  2. build trust and networks
  3. open communication within District
High school principals:
  1. professional development opportunitites
  2. collaboration
  3. use time differently
Traditional elementary principals:
  1. professional development
  2. build trust and relationships
  3. restructure and prioritize budget
Year round principals:
  1. PLC at all levels
  2. tell story
  3. communication to stakeholders
  1. focus on achievable goals
  2. common priorities
  3. spread the word
School Board:
  1. professional development
  2. change policy governance
  3. more money through lobbying legislature, communicate our story.