The JEA Executive Board voted to remain neutral on the Jordan District bond issue. While the members of the JEA Executive Board recognize the need for the bond, and that should the bond not pass, it would be the students (and teachers) who would suffer, they also realize that those who teach and live in the district are hit twice: once, in not having steps paid 3 of the last 5 years with only a 1% COLA four years ago, and second, by having their taxes raised. Opening new buildings costs in ongoing operations beyond what the bond pays for.
JEA has members who are helping with the bond campaign and who have spoken at the School Board and City Council meetings in support of the bond.
I encourage all JEA members to become informed on the bond and vote if they live in the Jordan District boundaries. We need to look at the big picture and do what is best for students!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Teaching and Leading
I received this article from UEA President Sharon Gallagher-Fishbaugh and wanted to share it.
Five Beliefs That Hold Teachers
Back From Leading
By Anthony S. Colucci
Do you believe that you can
have a positive impact on education beyond the walls of your classroom? If not,
ask yourself why, then give a good hard look at your answers. I’ve seen teacher
leaders do great things for our profession—but I’ve also observed false beliefs
prevent teachers from blossoming into teacher leaders. Do any of these seem
familiar to you?
1) “It’s not my job to get involved in politics.”
There is little doubt that
many of the daily frustrations teachers and students encounter are the results
of misguided policy. Some of these policies exist because teachers did not make
themselves heard prior to their passage. When teachers are inactive
politically, we abdicate our influence, usually putting the decisions in the
hands of those less informed than we are. Most of us would agree that it’s
important to teach students how to become responsible citizens, who keep
current with the news, have conversations with their representatives, and vote.
How can we claim to instill civic virtue when we do not model it ourselves?
Last year, my students
watched me fight for our school by organizing stakeholders and by speaking at
school board meetings and rallies. And guess what I realized? “Walking the
walk” makes a much greater impact on my students than just telling them what
they should do when they are older. I’d go so far as to say that it is part of
our job as teachers to be active citizens.
2) “I’m not the best public speaker (or writer or
Advocating for our
profession means helping policymakers and community members understand what we
do and how we think our schools can be improved. But many teachers start out
with a deficit mindset. They say, “I can’t do that,” because they don’t have
the confidence or skill to do it perfectly.
But you don’t have to be a
Pulitzer Prize-winning author to write a blog post or letter to the editor.
When it comes to speaking, flawless articulation is not required. Sure, there
are tricks we can pick up to improve our skills over time, but knowledge and passion
are the keys to powerful communication. Perfectionism will stop teachers dead
in our tracks—and, paradoxically, keep us from getting any better.
My advice to teachers who
want to lead is to start small. With practice, you’ll become more comfortable
and ready to move on to bigger arenas.
Start with an issue that
taps into your knowledge and passion as an educator. Write an editorial for
your local paper, speak at a PTA meeting, or start a Facebook page dedicated to
the issue. You might be surprised by the impact of your seemingly small action.
Recently, I was shocked to see that a short column I wrote for my local
newspaper garnered national attention.
For teacher leaders,
passion must trump perfection!
3) “My administrator doesn’t want me to lead.”
Yes, some administrators
don’t support teacher leadership. But there are many administrators out there
who feel overwhelmed and appreciate teacher leaders’ fresh perspectives.
And there’s more common
ground than we might think. Many administrators do not like unfair evaluation
measures or beside-the-point standardized tests any more than we do. In fact,
issues that give us headaches often give administrators migraines!
Depending on where we live
and what protections our unions afford, we often have less reason to fear
repercussions for speaking up than administrators do if they speak up.
For many administrators,
it’s not that they don’t want teachers to lead. It’s that they don’t want to be
blindsided or put in compromising positions. I never ask an administrator’s
permission to write or speak. However, I ask about including information that
may put him or her in a difficult situation.
4) “But I’m just a teacher.”
Some teachers don’t want to
take on leadership roles because they feel like the bull's-eye on a dartboard.
Consider all those memes you’ve seen or posted on Facebook defending what we
We shouldn’t let these
perceptions prevent us from leading. In reality, teacher-bashing is not a new
American sport but it is evidence of the concentrated efforts of a few powerful
The 45th annual Phi
Delta Kappa/Gallup poll noted that more than 70
percent of Americans have trust and confidence in the men and women who teach
in public schools. (That’s the highest level of trust since they started asking
the question!)
Bottom line: “The public”
is not out to get us. The public includes our neighbors and cousins, our postal
carriers and our dentists. They are our former students and the parents of our
current students. They have every reason to back us up. (And even if they
haven’t asked, they’re curious what we think.)
5) “My students will suffer if I’m not in my classroom.”
Leading as a teacher can
mean missing some face-to-face time with our students. Meetings with district
and partner organizations may not be able to convene outside the regular
business day. The truth is, our school schedules are outdated and
inflexible—they don’t allow as much opportunity to lead as they should.
That said, when we do miss
class, do our students suffer? Many would attest that just the opposite
happens—our students benefit from our absence. For example, I missed a few days
of school last year learning how to be a peer coach and then peer-coaching
teachers. Carefully analyzing my district’s teacher-evaluation rubric led to me
to polish some of my own practices—and observing my peers gave me some great
ideas that I then took back to my students and classroom.
(It helps to find a great
substitute. Last year, my substitute was a retired teacher who taught lessons
effectively and with his own unique twist. The kids loved him—and benefited
from the change in routine.)
Teaching is a demanding
profession. It is easy for us to let ourselves off the hook. We can allow false
beliefs to become excuses that let us close our classroom doors. These beliefs
become reasons not to raise our hands or voices. And then, having excused
ourselves from involvement, we groan at the consequences of top-down decision making.
Help elevate our profession by rejecting these fallacies. Jump in and lead!
Anthony S. Colucci, a National
Board-certified teacher, coordinates and teaches in the gifted-student program
at three elementary schools in central Florida. He is the author of Copilots, Duties
& PiƱa Coladas: How to Be a Great Teacher, as well as a host of articles for Education Week Teacher. A member of the CTQ
Collaboratory, he has earned numerous
awards for his innovative and creative lessons.
NEA Survey on the Common Core State Standards
Background: Today as a part of President
Van Roekel’s back to School Tour, NEA
will release the findings of a member poll on Common
Core State Standards. NEA conducted a survey of more than 1200
members to gauge awareness and opinions of the new Common Core State Standards
and their support for its goals. The findings revealed that the vast
majority of educators support the standards.
Here are the 4 key points
from the poll results to underscore:
1. Our
members wholeheartedly embrace the common core standards’ promise – that all
students will have an opportunity to learn the same skills they need to
succeed, regardless of where they live.
2. These
standards have the potential to be the biggest game changer for public
education in a generation. But in order to fulfill the standards’ worthy
goals we need an equal commitment to common sense implementation. We owe
it to our students to provide educators with the time, tools and resources to
get it right.
3. Our
members support the Common Core State Standards because they’re the right thing
to do for our children. And we all need to work together – parents, educators,
administrators, communities and elected officials – to ensure we get this
right. That requires a commitment to the time, tools and resources to
ensure that the goals of the standards are realized.
4. Even
as our members strongly support the Common Core State Standards, they have deep
reservations that there will continue to be too much emphasis on testing. The
polling confirms what our members have said for some time—the current testing
focus takes too much time away from student learning. Members also expressed a
need to focus on doing things in the right order…we have the standards, now we
must focus on aligning curriculum and students’ instruction, and then begin
assessments. They are concerned that assessments will begin before schools and
educators have had time to align curriculum and that they will be held
accountable for those test scores in unfair ways. Based on those beliefs, NEA
members also believe states should institute some type of grace period on the
accountability provisions of the common core standards in order to give schools
more flexibility to implement the standards successfully.
Basic Frame: NEA members believe that Common Core
State Standards represent a game changer for students and public education if we
get implementation of the standards right. There is overwhelming consensus
among educators across the country that the Common Core will ultimately be good for students and education. There are significant challenges
associated with implementing Common Core, but the possibilities are far too
great for us to throw up our hands and say, “this is just too
98 percent of NEA members
have heard about the standards
75 percent of those surveyed
support the standards
The Standards: Educators believe the standards can lead
to better instruction, because they don’t dictate how teachers should teach, but
they do provide clear goals. NEA members are particularly excited to have the
time and freedom they need so their students can gain a greater and deeper
understanding of the material.
· Roughly
40 percent support the standards because they set clearer guidelines and
education goals. Twenty five percent support the standards because they provide
greater opportunity for all students, and provide more rigorous standards.
· Teachers
in upper grades believe that as the curriculum is laterally integrated, their
students will be better prepared to learn and comprehend complex material.
NEA is a strong
advocate for coursework that ensures students can think critically, solve
problems, and attain global competence. According to the PDK/Gallup poll
released last month:
More than 90 percent of Americans believe a well-rounded education which
includes activities like music, sports, drama and newspaper is important.
Three-fifths of respondents strongly agreed that today’s schools should:
teach students how to set meaningful goals (64%); teach students communication
skills (78%) and teach students critical thinking skills (80%.)
These new
standards help address inequity by providing a wide set of standards which
ensure a complete education for all students, and increase the likelihood that
students will persist in school and attain a high school diploma. Common Core
State Standards is a positive step in the right direction.
members in high poverty districts appreciate that the standards have the
potential to increase opportunities for students.
Implementation: NEA members support the common core
standards because they are the right thing to do for our children. We all need
to work together –parents, teachers and elected officials – to ensure we get
this right.
Half of members who support
the standards express reservations, but members are more supportive when
they feel their districts are prepared to implement the standards—support rises
to 87 percent among educators who think their districts are prepared.
While they know about and are excited to implement the standards, only a
quarter of members report that their districts are ready to implement the new
standards, and just a third feel well prepared to teach the new standards at
the start of the year.
NEA members believe more family involvement would go a long way towards
making common core successful, but more than half (55 percent) either say their
school or district does not have plans to communicate with parents about the
common core, or they do not know about such a plan.
The great promise of Common Core State
Standards for students will be realized if the voices and expertise of
educators lead efforts to develop relevant and engaging instructional materials
to create the strongest next generation of assessments possible.
· Asked
what measures could be taken to help teachers with the standards, educators
cited collaboration time with colleagues, more planning time, updated classroom
resources, in-service training and better technology to administer the
computer-based assessments.
· Educators
also pinpointed other factors that would help students learn the new standards.
Forty-three percent cited smaller class size, 39 percent suggested greater
parental involvement, and 22 percent said students need up-to-date books and
NEA has established a Common Core Working Group (CCWG) which comprises
representation from state affiliates to leverage our collective knowledge and
It’s no surprise that after a decade of the NCLB test and
punish regime, NEA members are wary of the ways in which the standards will be
implemented and evaluated.
Three in four members who
hold back from supporting Common Core cite assessments as the reason for their
concern: they believe they won’t have the opportunity to align their curriculum
to the standards before their students are tested on the material.
More significantly,
educators are concerned assessments won’t be used as a tool to help their
students, but instead as a weapon to punish their students, their schools and
themselves. More than half believe there will continue to be too much
emphasis on testing, stifling their ability to reach out and motivate their
· We know that students’ mastery of the new
standards cannot be demonstrated fully or appropriately through the use of the
same old multiple choice items on a poorly designed standardized test. These
standards will require a new generation of authentic assessment systems that
provide students with multiple ways to show what they know.
Social Media Tools: Join in on the conversation on Twitter with hashtags: #CCSS and
#CommonCoreWednesday, September 4, 2013
USOE Info on School Grading
More Than Half of Utah Schools Earn
A’s or B’s in First Release of Grades
SALT LAKE CITY – Fifty-six percent of Utah public schools
earned either an A or a B in the first-ever release of school grades in
compliance with a new law enacted by the Utah Legislature in 2011, the Utah
State Office of Education reported today.
“I invite parents and those interested in the performance of Utah’s public schools to use these school grades as an invitation to further explore our schools and how well students are doing,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Martell Menlove. “These grades are based test performance and growth. I suspect there may be changes in the calculations as we move forward into the next legislative session. There are many other measures of schools. I encourage those of you with students in high schools to look at the results of ACT, SAT and AP tests there. For a parent, the best measure of a school is happens between a student and a teacher.”
The Utah Legislature passed the school grading bill in 2011 and made modifications in 2013. This is the first year a single letter grade has been issued for each school in the state.
All schools can earn up to 300 points by having all students proficient in language arts, math and science. They can earn another 300 points by showing growth for all students and for all students who are below proficient. The fewer students who show proficiency or growth, the lower a school’s grade. Schools with 80-100 percent of the total points for proficiency and growth (or 480-600 points) and growth earned an A, those with 70-79 percent a B, those with the 60-69 percent a C, those with 50-59 percent a D and those at 49 percent or less, an F. High schools earn an additional 150 points based on graduation rates. The graduation rate is multiplied by 150 to determine the number of points (e.g., .70 x 150 = 105). High school grades are based on a 750-point scale.
Individual school grades can be found on the Public School Data Gateway found on the Utah State Office of Education website, Once on the site, type in the name of the school you are interested in to get the school’s report.
Utah Grading School Summary
Utah Grading
Schools is based on two main components, students growth and student
performance on statewide assessment tests. (High Schools are also
evaluated on graduation rate.) The system was designed to establish a
clear and easily understandable evaluation of Utah Schools by giving each school
an A, B, C, D or F. Below is a summary of the Grade distribution
for the school year 2012-2013.
Elem/Middle/Jr. High Schools
High Schools
All Schools
Grade Earned
The graphs
below show the percentage of grades distributed by Utah’s low income status
quartile. The 1st quartile consists of schools in the state
with the largest concentration of students from low income families while the 4th
quartile has the smallest concentration of students from low income families.
Elem/Middle/Jr High
Schools High Schools
(I know the graph is small. I tried to make it bigger but couldn't. Sorry!)
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