Waiting to enter the auditorium
- 90% proficiency in 3rd, 6th, and 8th grade reading and math
- 90% of high school students taking the ACT
- 90% high school graduation rate
- 80% of high school students pursuing post secondary credit
- Eliminate waiting lists in required post secondary courses
- 13% of Utahns with a board-approved certificate
- 14% of Utahns with associates degree
- 28% of Utahns with Bachelor's degree
- 11% of Utahns with graduate degree
- 90% of graduates employed in chosen field earning living wages or better
- 1,072 neighborhood public schools
- 97 charter schools
- 26,000 teachers
- 600,000 students
- $3.4 billion on education in 2013-14
- $6500 per students
- Need 4% increase in degrees and certificates awarded each year to make the 66% by 2020 goal
He also said that education will require a long-term investment. That as the economy grows and there are more efficiencies in state government that those savings can go to education. He wants teachers to embrace technology, raise the bar, and realize this will not be easy. More money is not the cure all, and we need to be more resourceful with our current resources. "I have confidence in you. I know your task is not easy."
State Superintendent Menlove said the 2014 legislative requests from the state office include:
- Money for reading intervention
- Funds to support middle grade math instruction
- Technology infrastructure and support
- Addressing improving graduation rates
The Governor concluded by saying he was "most proud of teachers for doing more with less," that "the best value in public education in the nation is in Utah", and the state "can do better in resources and outcomes."
There was a reception following the faculty meeting where the JEA members were able to meet and talk with Governor Herbert.