Friday, November 19, 2010

November Legislative Council (AR) Meeting

I feel like I did not lead the meeting well.  I hope you can chalk it up to my inexperience.  I apologize to secondary teachers for the extensive discussion around elementary issues.  I know those issues need to be heard, and the teachers need to share what is happening at their buildings.  I have talked to a couple of other local presidents to gain ideas on how to handle local concerns that are focused on one group and need the kind of time we devoted to them last night.

I have decided I will allot 20 minutes each meeting for building concerns.  If we need more time, we will finish the items on the agenda, and those who wish to stay to continue the discussion on the building concerns will be welcome to do so.  Those for whom the issues do not apply would be able to leave.  I do not want AR's to feel the meeting is a waste of time, nor do I want AR's to feel they are not being heard.  I hope this format will prevent a needed discussion from taking away the other items of business and training on the agenda.

If any of the AR's have other suggestions, I am open to hearing them.

The contact information for the NEA Value Builders representatives are Darren Moffitt - 801-835-8005 and John Forsgren - 801-663-4687.  You could talk to them about doing presentations at your schools or talking with interested individuals.

Remember the new AR portion of the JEA JEA website.  The Red Flag Moments PowerPoint is there for you to use with your members to advise them when they need additional help or representation.


  1. I thought the meeting was great....bread and jam and a few small complaints. You are doing great and I think that the membership appreciates all that you do. They just don't say it like they should.
