Thursday, September 22, 2011

DAC - September 2011

The District Advisory Committee met last evening.  We discussed the results of the high school parent teacher conference survey from last spring.  DAC will be looking at options for restructuring HS PTC.

I am going to be on a committee to evaluate the transfer, placement, and hiring process.

The year round to traditional pay issues was discussed again.  Kyle Hansen, HR Director of Licensed Recruitment, is going to find out how many elementary teachers leave prior to the end of November in order to determine the cost of allowing teachers who move from a YR to a traditional schedule to stay on their 12-month YR pay schedule.

The law surrounding Legislative Supply Money states that "a teacher on salary schedule steps one through three teaching in grade . . .", which poses a problem since we have not had steps two of the last three years.  John Larsen in Accounting said the state distributes the money based on CACTUS, which shows years of service, not step placement, so the District will distribute the money based on years also.

If an issue is not being resolved by your SAC, and it is an issue being faced by most schools throughout the District, let me know so I can bring that issue to DAC.

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