Friday, August 5, 2011

Jordan UniServ Training Retreat

Yesterday the Jordan UniServ (JEA and Canyons Education Association, CEA) met for training.  Ross, CEA President, and I were pleased with the attendance with only one person excused due to taking classes for an administration certificate.  After showing the NEA Standing Strong Video, we did an ice breaker then went into the "Learning to Listen" training.  We did an assessment to see how well we do in each of the Three Dimensions of Listening:  Staying Focused, Capturing the Message, and Helping the Speaker.  I learned a lot about myself and some of the behaviors I need to change to become a better listener.  In being a better listener, I hope to be a better president.

Cindy and Laura then led a discussion on establishing a plan for helping members change their payment of dues from payroll deduction to EFT (electronic funds transfer).  You will hear more about this as UEA and JEA work out the logistics of this change.

In the afternoon, the JEA Executive Board met.  We discussed how each Executive Board Member can best serve their liaison schools, which have been changed to be roughly by feeder system for closer proximity to facilitate more personal contacts.  We also discussed items we want built into the JEA budget this year.

The training retreat was quite successful!

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